多洛雷斯公园是值得一看的地方. It's where the locals come out to play when the sun breaks through the fog.


Explore San Francisco's oldest and most vibrant neighborhood on foot with this self-guided tour.

Despite our famous hills and many microclimates, San Francisco is a city best explored on foot. If you're looking to explore some of San Francisco's most famous neighborhoods by pounding the pavement, try this self-guided itinerary from local authors 克里斯汀·波焦利和卡罗琳·艾德森. 以下是他们书中17次散步中的1次, “漫步贝博体彩app49英里风景大道”,为我们的网站编辑和浓缩.


阳光明媚,充满艺术气息,充满活力, 任务 贝博体彩app最古老的居住区是哪里. Follow this route along a grand boulevard of towering palms past stately old churches, 历史建筑, 以及维多利亚和爱德华时代的经典住宅. 看看街道上的美景, 探索多洛雷斯公园周围的所有餐馆, 在山顶停下来喘口气, 并吸收其中的美. Then, if you’re up for a real San Francisco experience, we've got a fantastic return loop for you.

开始: 市场圣. 在第14街.

结束: 塞萨尔·查韦斯街. 在米逊街.

距离: 主要路线:1.9英里,3800步,40分钟

坡度等级: 3 of 5


阳光明媚,充满艺术气息,充满活力, 任务 贝博体彩app最古老的居住区是哪里. Follow this route along a grand boulevard of towering palms past stately old churches, 历史建筑, 以及维多利亚和爱德华时代的经典住宅. 看看街道上的美景, 探索多洛雷斯公园周围的所有餐馆, 在山顶停下来喘口气, 并吸收其中的美. Then, if you’re up for a real San Francisco experience, we've got a fantastic return loop for you.

开始: 市场圣. 在第14街.

结束: 塞萨尔·查韦斯街. 在米逊街.

距离: 主要路线:1.9英里,3800步,40分钟

坡度等级: 3 of 5

在市场的十字路口, 教堂, 第14街, 从西夫韦街对面开始. 在第14街向东(下坡). 在多洛雷斯街右转.  



这条连绵起伏的山峦大道不仅为这座城市增添了美丽. 广阔的多洛雷斯街. 在1906年的地震和火灾中创造了一条救命的防火线. The surviving Victorians can be seen on the west side, while the east side has the newer Edwardians. Some historians say Golden Gate Park superintendent John McLaren began lining the median with palm trees in preparation for the 1915 Pan Pacific Expo. Other sources claim that the Phoenix palms used at the Expo were transplanted along 德洛丽丝街 when the fair was torn down. 不管怎样,高耸的棕榈树把多洛雷斯街变成了. 变成了教会的贵妇人.  




Built in the 1850s, this pair of redwood cottages are likely the oldest residences in the city. 听起来是个拍照的好地方!


shaar Zahav和贝博体彩app第一门诺派教堂


Congregation Sha’ar Zahav is a progressive Reform synagogue, established in 1977. The First Mennonite 教堂 of San Francisco is an Anabaptist community. 他们共同居住的那幢引人注目的绿色建筑是社区中的一个亮点.




Misión贝博体彩appAsís, 成立于1776年, 是贝博体彩app现存最古老的建筑. 任务 Cemetery remains one of only three burial sites still within the city limits. Though many of the original 任务多洛雷斯 buildings were secularized after 1835—becoming a hospital, 德国啤酒, 轿车, 赌博大厅, 而且,教区仍然很活跃. If you look into the larger basilica next door, you may see a Quinceañera or wedding taking place.  




Built in 1896, this is San Francisco’s oldest high school still at its original site. It was rebuilt in the 西班牙语 baroque style after a fire in the mid-1920s (though seismic retrofitting in the ‘70s that required much of the ornamentation be removed).




这里以前是犹太人的墓地和集中营,600名地震难民, 如今,这里是这座城市最受欢迎的公园之一, 新装修的网球场, 一个新的儿童游乐场, 有很多适合晒黑的草地, 每个人都有活动, 包括五月五日节, 堤防游行, 和公园之夜的电影. 它周围都是美味的餐馆,所以停下来吃点零食吧.  


在19街., enter 德洛丽丝公园 and climb the stairs past the 墨西哥 liberty bell and the statue of Father Hidalgo. 走出公园,在教堂街左转.然后走到第20街去看金色消防栓.

During the 1906 San Francisco earthquake and its subsequent citywide fires, this “little giant” saved the historic 任务的区 from complete destruction. 每年, 在大地震一周年之际, 消防栓在下午5点12分重新涂上一层金色油漆.m.当时,大地震摧毁了贝博体彩app80%的地区.  

在第20街左转. 然后右转到多洛雷斯街. 重新加入路线.

整体瑜伽学院(770 Dolores St ..)

一个由维多利亚时代的豪宅改建而成的精神社区, Integral Yoga Institute offers classical Hatha Yoga instruction and meditation to the public daily. 有什么不喜欢的? 向所有人开放. 幸福.  




在泽西街,向右看双峰. 在25街.向左看. 看看接下来的几条街是怎么通向海湾的? 这是因为东部滨水区曾经被美国海军大量使用.S. 陆军和海军. 海军圣. 还在这里,而陆军圣. 以塞萨尔·查韦斯的名字重新命名.

继续向南走多洛雷斯街. 在塞萨尔查韦斯街左转.


Three old-time San Francisco institutions sit across from each other on Cesar Chavez St.



救世军一直在提供食物, 避难所, 并从1883年开始帮助贝博体彩app的弱势群体. 事实上, the famous red Christmas kettle tradition began here in 1891 when Captain Joseph McFee set out a giant iron pot at the 渡口 to collect funds to deliver Christmas dinner to destitute San Franciscans. 

St. 卢克的医院

(塞萨尔·查韦斯 . 3555号.)  

原来的St. 卢克的房子在1906年的地震中倒塌了. 有一段时间, the hospital moved to a tent under the grandstand of the New California Jockey Club Race Track. 今天,圣. Luke's stands as a part of Sutter Health hospital facility after major renovation work.


(塞萨尔·查韦斯. 及观澜街.)

看 up toward the top of the big squat, green building to your right, just past 瓦伦西亚的圣.. The “3435 Army Street” address sign identifies the former Sears Roebuck department store, 现在被称为陆军阁楼/老西尔斯大楼的艺术家工作室. 


在Cesar Chavez街和Mission街的拐角处, 左转体验正宗的贝博体彩app, 良好的食物, and one-of-a-kind stores in one of the city’s most vibrant neighborhoods.


任务圣reet has been a commercial corridor for Latino families since the 1940s. 在这里购物是一次真正的冒险,而且 食物的选择 带你环游世界——塞内加尔人, 意大利, 地中海, 日本, 印度, 法国, 泰国, 墨西哥. 你甚至会发现 素食餐厅.  


不久前, 瓦伦西亚街是汽车修理店的时髦聚集地, 破烂的潜水, 非营利媒体中心, and women entrepreneur-led businesses catering to the urban poor and Latino communities. Today, it's a vibrant mix of pupuserias, art galleries, restaurants, and nightlife. The neighborhood has been greatly influenced by an explosion of new restaurants, 酒吧, 和家具, 时尚, 手工作坊也层出不穷.  

沿着这两条街中的任意一条向北走,回到市场街. 你对任务的报道就和当地人一样全面了!


In 2013, 克里斯汀·波焦利和卡罗琳·艾德森 found a new way to kick-start some healthy habits: they would cover all of San Francisco's historic 49 Mile Scenic Drive on foot. After getting reacquainted with almost every corner of the city they call home, 克莉丝汀和卡洛琳决定把她们的旅行记录在一本书里, 漫步在贝博体彩app49英里风景大道上." They have continued to share their love of San Francisco by leading groups along some of their favorite routes and sharing their experiences with visitors from all over the world.